During my work I speak to many people who work in healthcare. The conversation is often about Sinque and the way in which you can use it to work towards a sustainable, healthier weight. In conversations with professionals, they often explain to me how important it is to determine lean mass and fat mass and they point out that Sinque does not offer a suitable solution for this.
That's when the conversation gets interesting. From my background as a sports physician and my work as a professor in sports medicine, exercise physiology and molecular biology, I worked on this topic for years. I recognize the importance of frequent evaluation of lean body mass at specific times in a weight loss program. However, I am convinced that the bio-impedance method is not the most suitable for these purposes.
The fluid balance of our body changes every moment of the day as a result of endogenous and exogenous factors. The bio-impedance method is sensitive to these fluctuations. Moreover, performing a bio-impedance analysis is a complex investigation that requires professional knowledge and tools. Even for a professional, performing a bio-impedance measurement correctly is a tricky job. It is therefore not suitable for daily home use.
That is why I advocate the use of BMI as an indicator. Consider weight as a more objective method of monitoring physiology. Unfortunately, the use of body weight analysis (weighing) also has its drawbacks with frequent use. (1) People are too emphatically confronted with their weight and (2) the natural oscillations have to be interpreted. Sinque solves these problems.
With this knowledge as a basis, I developed a scale that does not
show numbers. A scale with which people can weigh themselves at home. This way you prevent people from being confronted with their weight at every weighing. In practice, this approach leads to much more frequent use. In addition, I developed an algorithm together with research centers that, based on artificial intelligence, corrects the problem of weight oscillations and the problem of correction on worn clothing. The algorithm determines an individual's weekly weight range. This allows Sinque to predict the weight trend for the next two weeks without showing the actual weight itself.
With Sinque, a professional gets a simple and accurate tool to help people maintain or adjust their exercise and eating habits and thus achieve the desired weight trend. When properly combined with the other anthropometric measurements, this provides the best tools to monitor and direct progress throughout a health program.
In practice, I recommend that starters - people who start a weight loss program - start with an anthrometric assessment that is as complete as possible: Determining the length (once), bio-impedance test, a skin fold measurement and/or a waist circumference measurement: All according to protocol.
Following these first steps, I recommend using Sinque to monitor BMI and weight. Not to track the weight itself, but to help the professional make decisions during the (fitness) plan and keep the client motivated. As soon as a client reaches the plateau, I recommend monitoring the fat-free mass (a plateau can be recognized by the moment when the diet no longer seems to have an effect).
With Sinque's efforts, you keep your finger on the pulse, but you avoid frustration and confrontation while executing your plan. Sinque helps people sustainably monitor and adjust their lifestyle and weight trend, together with the provider: you.
This is how you achieve synergy: Just as the right choice of wine can enhance a good dish and vice versa.

Heidi Zweers, H.K. (2016, 3 27). Nutritional Assessment Platform. source Zakboekdietetiek: https://zakboekdietetiek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/NAP-BIA-SOP.pdf